Hiatus. No more..?

It’s been a good two years since I wrote my last post on this blog. While things have happened to keep me busy, they’re not entirely responsible for my hiatus. Like someone once said, if you want to do something, you find a way to make time for it!

So while I get back in the groove of writing regularly, allow me to catch you up on what’s been happening with me.

Since I’ve stopped penning my random ramblings, I’ve switched companies and job profile. While this was more random and not planned, it’s been a refreshing change.

To further my understanding and appreciation for the business world, I’m finally pursuing a MBA, a decade later than originally planned.

Subscribing to Audible has helped up my consumption of books (more on that in a separate post). Additionally, to complement the consumption of knowledge and information, my magazine and newspaper subscriptions are up the wazoo! Last count the subscription now includes The Economist, New York Times, Financial Times, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and the Harvard Business Review.

On the wanderlust front, the wife and I have travelled through New Zealand, Fiji and Japan. And this year we’re finally make a trip home to catch up with family and friends after almost three and a half years.

So, that’s what’s been up with me in a nutshell. I don’t promise a post a week. But at the same time, I’m going to make it a point to pen as often as possible.

Here’s to being more habitual with my blogging passion.

The Toy

Simon liked his new toy. He played with it every time his parents left him alone. Today the toy seemed to be not working in the usual manner. It kept malfunctioning and jerking.

Simon was cross. He wanted to play with the toy. He wondered what could he do to make it work like before.

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Why You Should Write A Letter

This year as part of my 52 challenges for the year, I began a practice that I soon hope to transform into a tradition. Writing letters, old school style with a pen and paper. I’ve been writing one letter each month to my parents and elder brother and his family, who reside back home in India. In fact my habit has got them writing back as well! Continue reading

After All…

Ryan was looking into the mirror. He looked great in the black suit. He wanted to look his best.
After all, Ryan was 
headed out on a date to the best restaurant in town.

He got into his car and drove to the main driveway. He looked around to check if there were any oncoming vehicles.
After all, Ryan was the most cautious man in town.

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10 Tips For A Better Life

This post is not entirely an original one. In fact it isn’t even mine to begin with. This isn’t my list . One of the many talented contributors to the mail subscription Listserve had written this brilliant piece when they had won the email lottery. I found these tips so basic yet so profound in their impact on our lives that I felt compelled to share it on my blog. So here goes, 10 tips for a better life  –

  1. Call your parents once a week and tell them you love them. If not your folks, call someone you love. Never underestimate the power of your voice expressing affection upon someone.
  2. Live below your means and work to save at least 20% of your salary. Set up automatic withdrawals to a separate account. Maximize your retirement contributions. It is never to late to start saving and yes, every penny does count.
  3. Little habits make all the difference in life: Stretch & Touch your toes in the shower every day. Brush your teeth. Put your fork down between bites.
  4. Do something nice for someone once a day. The cumulative effect of random acts of kindness are worth striving towards.
  5. Eat less meat, processed foods, and exercise more. Little changes will always add up.
  6. Read more – just not on electronic devices. There’s beauty in focusing some time to shutting off all distractions and reading a book.
  7. Music – Make more music, or listen to more Classical, Jazz, and ambient music. All great genres to help meditate.
  8. Never stop learning: Learn something new every day. Read something different, draw something, cook something new.
  9. Be Optimistic. Before you say or do something, think. Take your time, choose your words carefully, and always be optimistic. This time will never come again, make it count.
  10. Save a life – adopt a pet. You may find that your pet may be the one saving your life.